Press Releases for Gemstones

  • 1107

    Faceted Gemstones Aid Metaphysical Healing

    G.A.E.A Limited are pioneers in faceting healing gemstones such as Witches Finger, Orange River Quartz, Labradorite and other metaphysical healing minerals. These faceted gemstones help deliver psychological benefits to the wearer which, according to Langer’s associated research, in turn can lead to improved body performance and a healthier life.

    By : | 10-30-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Performing Arts | Total Views : 1107

  • 901

    Can Faceted Gemstones help SAD Sufferers?

    In the UK, it is that time of year when over 1 in 50 people suffer from Seasonal Affects Disorder (SAD)

    By : | 10-14-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 901

  • 882

    Gemstones Can Significantly Help to Reduce Premature Deaths.

    Most of us spend over half our waking hours working. The workplace can be a place of stress, anxiety and tension. It is frequently filled with both positive and negative energy; from customers and suppliers, colleagues and peers, management and family.

    By : | 10-13-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Performing Arts | Total Views : 882

  • 791

    Gemandgemstones, a prominent player in India provides quality gems and gemstones and are expanding

    Gemstones a prominent player in the indian subcontinent providing quality gems and gemstones has expanded their base and has broken all the shackles of geographics with their brand new website. This marks the begining of their online presence.

    By : | 10-19-2011 | Lifestyle:Fashion | Total Views : 791

  • 784

    Do Faceted Gemstones Facilitate Brain and Body Activity?

    The mind is a very powerful resource. Some people argue that we only use ten percent of our brains capacity, while others argue that we use virtually every part of the brain.

    By : | 10-20-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 784